
clarity /ˈklarɪti/ noun
1. the quality of being coherent and intelligible.

"For the sake of clarity, each of these strategies is dealt with separately"
Similar: lucidity; lucidness; clearness; perspicuity; intelligibility

We provide our clients with clarity of thought.

By using us a sounding board for their plans, we aim to inform, guide and crystalise their thought process, providing them with a vision and clear direction for their business growth plans.


Certainty /ˈsəːt(ə)nti/ noun
1. firm conviction that something is the case.

"She knew with absolute certainty that she would succeed."
Similar: confidence; sureness; positiveness; certitude; assuredness

Clients of Benson Wood know with certainty that we have their backs. You can be certain that we will always do what we say we will do, within the agreed timescales – always!

We can also be relied upon to go the extra mile.

Being in business creates plenty of uncertainty and we understand it can sometimes feel like you are treading a lonely path. But with our experts by your side, there’s strength in numbers and knowing we will always point you in the direction, is something you can always be certain of.


Trust /trʌst/ noun
1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

"Relations have to be built on trust"
Similar: confidence; belief; faith; sureness

Building a relationship with a financial, tax and accountancy adviser takes time and it is also vital that the relationship is built on trust.

Clients trust our knowledge and integrity. We will guide you through the tax and accountancy minefield, ensuring that you stay on the right side of HMRC and Companies House.

Success Stories

Here are just several examples of recent client success stories which demonstrate the way in which we have added value to our clients’ businesses:

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Benson Wood – Providing clarity for a growing business

Cath Raisbeck – Director at Scotvapes

Cath Raisbeck has enjoyed a business relationship with Benson Wood that stretches back more than 25 years. Having been accountants for her previous business, when she decided to set up a new enterprise, Benson Wood was the natural choice.

Cath explains: “The team at BW were very helpful in initially helping up to get the business off the ground. As the company has grown – from just one vaping supplies store back in 2015, to nine stores with 30 staff, they have helped us keep pace with all the additional back office accounting tasks and tax matters that need to be dealt with.

“Yvonne at BW deals with all our payroll matters now and everything is very simple and straightforward – we send across the time sheets via BrightPay and she sorts out the regulatory side of things and handles the tax codes for us. It means we have peace of mind that we are complying with all the latest employment rules.

“When we took the plunge and invested in cloud-based Sage software, Chelsea at BW was so helpful. She took me through the software’s capabilities and showed me how to use the system.

“I really appreciated the fact that she was always there to talk me through the process if ever I got stuck and she was always super quick to respond if I emailed or phoned with a query.”

Quick responses and clear answers to problems are aspects of Benson Wood’s service that Cath particularly appreciates.

She added: “I know I can phone the team at BW any time and someone will always get back to me promptly.

“It’s something I really appreciate when I just have a quick query. For example, when I’m doing my VAT returns, I sometimes just need to double check that I’m doing a particular thing right, and I can just pick up the phone and speak to Chelsea or a member of the team who will provide me with reassurance.”

Although the majority of Scotvapes’ products are UK sourced, the company occasionally deals with European suppliers and Benson Wood advises on EU import regulations relating to VAT to ensure the business pays neither too much nor too little tax.

BW also helped Cath install Xero for VAT and DEXT for receipt handling which have helped to simplify VAT returns and reporting.

“I’m really grateful to the team at BW for being 100 per cent supportive, said Cath. “They are all really friendly people to deal with and it’s great to know that they are there for me and always have my back!”

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Certainty from a firm of accountants offering scalability of services

Ernie Rea – Director of Vantage Windows & Doors

When Ernie Rea set up Vantage Windows & Doors back in 2011, he took his time to find a firm of accountants that were the right fit for his business.

“I met with several firms but there was something about Benson Wood – I just felt a personal connection with them straight away. I thought, ‘these are people I can work with!’

“My business took off pretty much from year one and has grown rapidly. As I’ve needed more complex help and advice, Benson Wood has more than kept pace with my requirements.

“Initially there was only me on the payroll as the majority of the work was outsourced to sub-contractors but as we took on staff the payroll became more complex. So, in addition to dealing with my year ends and VAT returns, BW also gradually took over my payroll requirements.

“Today, I still have a number of self-employed fitters and surveyors – some are VAT-registered and others aren’t which makes dealing with invoicing and payments fairly complex.

“Thankfully, Jacqueline and the team at BW take it all in their stride. With the DEXT system, I just scan in all my receipts and invoices as I receive them and BW make all the VAT calculations for the business on my behalf.”

In addition to dealing with Vantage’s accounting needs, Ernie now uses BW’s services for his buy-to-let property portfolio, ensuring his tax returns are submitted on time and also relies upon them to advise on personal tax matters.

Ernie continued: “I’ve been particularly impressed by BW because they have the necessary infrastructure in place to offer additional support as my business has grown. They are small enough to care but they are not a one man band and, importantly, there is always someone available to offer advice or answer a query.

“Their response times are first-rate – if I send an email, I know I’ll always get a call back by the end of the day. It’s that kind of certainty that I really appreciate.”

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Benson Wood – long-standing business partners trusted to help arrange the sale of the company

Jim Carmichael – former Managing Director of Clean Air Containment Services Ltd.

When Jim set up Clean Air Containments Services Ltd more than two decades ago, like any new business owner, he needed the services of an accountant.

Faced with a choice of several local accountants, Jim was clear from the outset that he wanted to work with a firm that shared his own business ethos of being both ‘honest and reliable’.

Jim explained: “I looked at several firms and although Benson Wood weren’t the absolute cheapest, they were very well-established firm and I just got a very good feeling about the firm.”

From a standing start, Jim built his business into a highly successful enterprise providing clean room technology and protection against infectious diseases, using high efficiency filtration units. The company’s technology is not only used in hospital settings but is also relied upon by laboratories, research facilities and food manufacturers.

Given the nature of his business, it might seem incongruous that Jim sold his company at the start of the Covid pandemic.

He explained: “In fact, I’d been planning my retirement from the business almost two years before the Covid outbreak. As with all major business decisions, I turned to Chris at Benson Wood for help and advice.

“Having decided that the sale of the business was the best exit strategy for me, Chris set about carrying out the business valuation and all the necessary due diligence work.”

Choosing the right buyer was key for Jim. Initially he was approached by a company who wished to buy the business but Jim felt the price was too low and the potential buyer was undervaluing the assets.

“Benson Wood really came into their own here, “said Jim. “Their business valuation really helped me to hold out for the right offer. In the end, I found a buyer that not only offered a fair price but, equally important to me, I sold to a company that shared my values and who I felt would continue the legacy I had created.

“Although I was walking away from the business, I couldn’t retire unless I knew my clients and staff were in good hands. I had worked hard to create a really good name in the sector and I didn’t want all that to be for nothing!

Since selling his business, Jim feels he made the right decision at the right time.

“Friends who know the business I used to be in, have asked if I miss the cut and thrust of dealing with such an important niche service supplying hospitals – particularly as I sold the company right at the start of Covid in March 2020 when of course the need for air filtration really took off. But honestly, I think I retired at the right time. It would have been very stressful and I’m now enjoying the fruits of my labours.

“I have a lovely holiday home near Monifieth and my wife and I enjoy taking our new Cocker Spaniel on lots of long walks so I’m very happy with the way things turned out.”

Jim still keeps in touch with the team at Benson Wood and Chris continues to handle Jim’s annual tax returns every year.

Jim added: “Everyone at BW has been excellent and such a great help to me over the years – not just the partners but the whole team and I’m pleased I made the right choice to put my trust in them all those years ago when I was searching for a reputable local accountancy firm.”

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